The music video of the song Sure Thing

St Germain Sure Thing

Released in 1985 by Evelyn "Champagne" King an American R&B and disco singer.

Your Personal Touch - Evelyn King

This is artist Kristine Weitz in a video with Jam Power Productions. She also had a show in Las Vegas. This video was shot in 1987 at Eddie Barber studios in Los Angeles.

Kristine W - No One Can Tell Me

Look at the beginning the guy in the black Mercedes car!!!
Guess who????? yeah its ICE T ;)

Yarborough & Peoples - Don't Waste Your Time

Congo Music

Ferre Gola - ZAZOU

Precious Wilson, whose is from Jamaica, raised in England and the United States, joined the Silent Eruption, a British Pop/Disco band, which later became Eruption in the late 1970s, and recorded singles produced by Frank Farian. Farian produced Wilson's debut album in 1981, On The Race Track, and the singles 'If I Loved You Less' and 'I Need You' in 1985. Her single 'I'll Be Your Friend' did well on the US R&B charts. She also had the song 'The Jewel Of The Nile', from the movie soundtrack of the movie The Jewel Of The Nile.

Precious Wilson - I'll Be Your Friend

Congo Music

Mbilia Bel - Tika Ba Zuwa